The Outbound Collective | #EveryoneOutside

Three films for The Outbound Collective’s “Everyone Outside” Campaign.

Chris Hill, an angler and environmental lobbyist, has long found solace in the outdoors. And yet she didn’t see people like herself out there until recently. Through Instagram and other social media platforms, she says, underrepresented voices are creating a new kind of conservation movement. “People who are of marginalized communities have just banded together and said, ‘we’re gonna do it ourselves, we’re gonna create space in the outdoors for people who look like us.’”

In 2018, Save the Redwoods League purchased a magical 700-acre stand of old-growth redwoods in Sonoma County. Conservation has long been about keeping people out of places, but with help from communities of color, the organization is reimagining its role in a diverse, inclusive California. The area will soon be opened to the public and anyone can walk among these ambassadors from another time — some of which have been around since before the fall of the Roman Empire.

After seeing a lack of representation on the trails in Utah, Nailah Blades-Wylie, a marketing director and mom of two, took things into her own hands to create a safe space for women of color to explore together - Color Outside.

client // The Outbound Collective production company // Wondercamp

directed by // Chris Cresci cinematography // Greg Balkin, Tim Kressin

edit // Chris Cresci sound mix // Cody Peterson

producer // Davis Goslin